Tina Ketchie Stearns, Speaker – Educator
Learn to Feel Comfortable Talking About End of Life Care
Hospice does not help people die…Hospice helps people LIVE until they die.
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Get Access to my 12 Tips for Setting The Stage for Difficult Conversations

Tina Ketchie Stearns-Speaker/Educator/Author has worked in the hospice and elder care industry for many years educating medical professionals and caregivers about hospice and end of life care, advance care planning, care giving, long term care communities and grief. She has educated over 50,000 people from 25 countries.
Tina’s father died in the hospital after the heart wrenching decision to take him off life support. Her mother was in hospice care for five months and died in her home, peacefully and comfortably. The difference in the two end of life experiences was amazing, which is why Tina has committed her life to educating people about hospice care, advance care planning, and how to have difficult conversations.
Tina has authored numerous articles and is a co-author of Life Boosts, a compilation book featuring 17 experts, two of which are New York Times Best Selling authors.
Tina has an MBA from Wake Forest University and lives in Winston-Salem, NC.
You can email her at tina@itsabouthowyoulive.com,
call her at 336-655-0200,
or visit her website at https://www.itsabouthowyoulive.com/.
“This was a great training course and I learned a lot from it. I feel more comfortable discussing end of life issues with my patients. Great job Tina!”
- Dr. RR, Gastroenterologist, Wake Forest Baptist Health
“I did not know how hospice was paid for, which is important given many of our treatments are very expensive.”
- Dr. RF, Oncologist, Winston-Salem, NC
“Thank you so much for coming to speak to our class yesterday! It was really profound and I appreciated the perspective change personally to Hospice and End of Life care. I would love to have you back next year.”
- Dr. Kimberly Sanders, UNC-Chapel Hill Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Thank you so much, it was very educational since I am just beginning my path in palliative care. I am blown away by the information from them all! I speak from the bottom of my heart - you have done the world a great service in bringing this group of wonderful people together to share this groundbreaking knowledge to shift the consciousness into greater awareness. Many blessings to you and all these wonderful Souls/Speakers. So you see your messages are already having a positive effect halfway around the world.
- Marnee, Australia
Thank you so much for all your work, Tina! This last video on choosing the correct Healthcare Power Of Attorney was short and to the point! Blessings!
This was a fabulous program and thank you, Tina, for bring it to us!
Lovingly, Mrs. Thurman (age 83 with 89 year old husband in Hospice.)
Tina, thank you for being so generous with your time and information. What you are doing is vital to the well being of our generation. Again bravo to you for being the catalyst.
Phyllis, New Orleans
I just watched one of the interviews and thought Kitty was so awesome. Thank you for doing this incredible work!!!!
Kathleen, Colorado
I appreciate all the effort you made to make this happen. Great panelists.
This was a wonderful series of topics delivered in a very professional way. Thanks to all who made this possible!
This was an exceptional training experience! Tina is excellent and she helped build up confidence and skill with having this very difficult conversation with my patients. Thank you so much Tina!
Ashley, - ANP-C, Novant Medical Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
I am thrilled to speak to your group offering a comprehensive training program to help you take the fear out of conversations about Hospice Care, Advance Care Planning, Care Giving, Palliative Care and Grief.
- Are you a medical professional who struggles with conversations with patients and families about end of life care?
- Are you a medical professional who feels like a failure if you can’t cure someone’s illness?
- Are you a medical professional who is relieved when the patient and family want to talk about their end of life care wishes and they bring the topic up so you don’t have to?
- Are you an exhausted caregiver caring for someone with a serious illness and do not know what to do next?
- Are you someone who has been diagnosed with a serious illness and do not understand your options for treatment?
- Are you someone who is interested in learning more about advance care planning, serious illness, care giving, palliative care, hospice care, and grief?
It’s Time To Take The Fear Out of Having Conversations About Advance Care Planning, Hospice Care, Palliative Care, Caregiving, and Grief.

- Would you love to feel comfortable, confident and knowledgeable in having conversations with patients and families about hospice care?
- Would you like to understand what a living will and health care power of attorney documents are?
- Would you like to feel more confident and supported as a caregiver caring for a sick loved one?
I produced a free telesummit with 21 amazing experts offering guidance and advice on advance care planning, care giving, palliative care, hospice care and grief. Registrants from 25 countries participated!
I also produced a free 3-Part Video Series
- Video 1 – Hospice & Palliative Care
- Video 2 – Advance Care Planning
- Video 3 – Spiritual Aspects of End of Life from the Native American Tradition
Let Me Help YOU Take The FEAR Out of Talking About These Topics!

As A Medical Provider, Why Do I Need To Be Educated About Hospice Care?
- Baby Boomers – Born early 1940’s to 1964 - 10,000 turn 65 years old every single day
- Baby Boomers are now called “The Silver Tsunami”
- Providers will be having many end of life conversations in the coming years due to our aging population.
- Doctors do not like to talk about end of life care. They feel like a failure if they cannot cure the illness. The reality is, however, we are all going to die one day so we MUST get comfortable with these conversations.
As A Patient or Care Giver, Why Should I Talk About My Health Care Wishes?
- It is the greatest gift you can give your family and loved ones.
- No more arguments among family members about what to do with “Mama”.
- By taking the fear out of having these conversations, you have the opportunity to deepen your relationship and connection with your loved one, bringing your compassion and understanding of your loved one to a whole new level. You will be closer than you have ever been before!
- Help your doctor know it is okay to talk about these things. In fact, it is a MUST so that your doctor and you can work together as a team on your plan of care, according to YOUR wishes, not the doctor’s wishes.

Helping You Enter the No Fear Zone
It’s Time To Take The Fear Out of Having Conversations About Advance Care Planning, Hospice Care, Palliative Care, Caregiving, and Grief
It’s About How You LIVE!