Palliative Care or Pain Clinic?

Palliative Care or Pain Clinic?  Do you know when to go to which?  It can be confusing so watch this video and let me know if you have questions.  Feel free to reach out directly to me at to schedule a time to talk.

Have you voted yet for the topic I will cover in an upcoming LIVE Webinar?  I will be answering your questions about the topic selected, so email me at or post on social media below this week’s video which topic you prefer.   Your choices are 1) Hospice & Palliative Care;  2) Advance Care Planning;  3) Caregiving;  4) Grief.

I’m excited to find out which topic you prefer and will be announcing the date and topic of the LIVE Webinar soon!

Until next week remember, It’s About How You LIVE!


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